Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Conte drawing...

Here is a little drawing I did of my youngest. I used conte crayons on grey paper. There are many things wrong with it but the more I started to work with it the more muddled it was looking. I LOVE the white highlights!  Really brings it to life!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wild elegance...

These were some tulips I bought at the grocery a few years ago. I remember loving how they drooped over the edge of the vase so elegantly but at the same time haphazardly. I found about two dozen photos I had taken of them so I had no lack to chose from. I might paint them again!  I painted the whole thing with a one inch flat brush minus a couple finishing details.  It is 12"x12". 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Farmhouse in the misty hills...

Here is a lovely farmhouse out in southeast Kentucky. I took this picture while we were camping at Lake Cumberland a couple years ago.   It had been raining for awhile at this point and the mountains in the distance were really misty.